Who I am

I'm an up and coming Software Engineer at Ryerson University studying Computer Engineering. Currently entering my 4th year, I've done a wide range of work ranging from Web development at IBM and Pratt and Whitney Canada to hardware and Arduino development in the Aerospace Department at Ryerson and to processing and manipulating data and statistics in MATLAB. These different areas being done in more professional environment as well as more student-focused, collaborative learning environments.

I always love working with and meeting people in the Software industry as I always feel like there's something new to learn from anyone whether it's a new framework or development style! As well, I'm always looking for a challenge to build up my skills or to learn something new. I am thrilled to have gotten so many opportunities and challenges to do so at such places like IBM, Pratt & Whitney Canada, Ryerson's CANSAT and the Ryerson University Hackathon.

My work focuses:

  • Software Development in Javascript, Python, Java, MATLAB & C, mostly in relation to developing the web
  • Full-Stack Web Development with:
    • Front-end Frameworks and Libraries: React, Redux, Jquery, D3 JS, Bootstrap, Jest
    • Back-end Frameworks and libraries: Express js, Django and Flask
    • Server configuration in NGINX and Apache
    • Databases: MySQL and MongoDB


Role: Cloud Front-end Web Developer

Duration: May 2020 - August 2021 (16 mo.)

IBM needs no introduction, especially with it's rich history in computing, forward thinking in diversity and modern day office environment. While working at IBM I have managed to expand my learning beyond just that of a traditional front-end web developer, but learn more about and have the opportunity to use current, most used cloud technologies such as Kubernetes or Redhat OCP for container orchestration and scaling as well as docker for setting up container environments. This is of course on top of learning front end libraries and frameworks such as React, Redux and GraphQL. In summary throughout my time so far I've managed to:

  • Worked in an agile environment that included sprint planning, unit testing, scrum meetings and getting into different teams to put together different parts of the ui of the main cloud application IBM Cloudpak for Multicloud Management (CP4MCM).
  • Made 122 contributions via Git within 4 months of working without any React or Redux knowledge beforehand and played a key role in implementing and maintaining front end components in the newest CP4MCM release
  • Worked closely with UI/UX designers to implement ideas and patterns using newly developed Carbon X design system
  • Earned several accolades for learning and used for general application testing: container orchestration tools such as Kubernetes and RedHat OCP and container creation tools such as Docker.
  • Used the Jest testing framework to increase testing coverage for front end UI components

Pratt & Whitney Canada

Role: Web Application Developer Intern

Duration: January - September 2019 (8 mo.)

Pratt & Whitney Canada is a global aerospace leader headquartered in Longueuil, Quebec shaping the future of business, general, and regional aviation, as well as helicopters and APUs. I worked for the "Plant 22" in Mississauga in the control systems department. More specifically with relation to the internal control systems/software requirements management tool known as Web SuperDoc or WSD.

My responsibility for WSD was to collaborate with and talk to every day users in the tool to come up with ways to improve the user interface experience and features that could help improve overall usage. Throughout my time so far I have:

  • Worked with PHP, JS (including libraries like JQuery and D3.js), SQL (Oracle DB) and HTML & CSS to develop features such as a tree to better represent requirements for the users to interact with and see how various items may be linked together
  • Collaborated with other departments to work on internal applications for time and cost savings (up to $100,000 yearly and thousands of hours) when developing specific parts using previously stated web development tools and Matlab
  • Participated in weekly meetings to talk about features to be implemented into the requirements management tool which would go into a life cycle of designing, developing, testing, deploying and maintaining the feature based on user feedback, similar to Agile software development

RU Hacks (Ryerson University Hackathon)

Role: VP of Development

Duration: November 2018 - Present

RU Hacks is an annual 36 hours hackathon event that happens at Ryerson University. I had the opportunity to be the lead web developer / Full-stack Developer for this year's amazing hackathon. We had various sponsors such as MLH, The CSE, BMO and iTradeNetwork As a VP of Development my responsibilities include:

  • Setting up a Nginx server with vagrant on a DigitalOcean instance for the main front-end website with SSL certificates (https://ruhacks.com)
  • Setting up a Node server on a Heroku instance for our application portal with SSL certificates (https://app.ruhacks.com)
  • Delegating tasks for and working on the front end for both the application portal (using ReactJS and Quill in the past) and the main website
  • Preparing, launching and maintaining a Mongo database to store users' data for the competition
In terms of hosting the event:
  • Delegate tasks for various volunteers
  • Decide on challenges for students to develop for such as security, mental health and social focused challenges
  • Maintain a safe space for students to develop ideas in
  • Mentor any students with various topics including Python web development with flask and Android Studio/Java usage

Ryerson CANSAT

Role: Electronics Co-Captain

Duration: January 2016 - May 2020

CANSAT is an annual global aerospace competition where the target goal is to develop, as a team, a mock satellite under specific guidelines given by NASA and AAS. The competition is hosted by NASA and AAS and is a year long process of presenting and testing an original design created by our team. You can read more about the competition here: CANSAT

I am currently the co-captain of the electronics side of the team dealing with administrative work to maintain the team's status within Ryerson and managing all electronic sub teams including:

  • Power Systems
  • Flight Software
  • Ground Software
  • PCB Design and Development

Along with this comes setting up training sessions for new members of the team and attending all team meetings in the structures and electronics side to stay up to date and maintain communication between both sides. I am currently involved in the overall design and development of the electronic sub systems on the CANSAT.

Previously I developed and maintained ground communication software where in this role I maintained a team of people who I have helped train to work on communication and live plotting software and hardware to communicate with sensors on board our design. I delegated tasks and achieved a working balance in the sub team. We worked with MATLAB and Xbee radios in order to keep everything operating properly.

In my first & second year I used to work on several sub teams within the team. In these sub teams I've worked with Arduinos and designing circuits for use in the CANSAT competition although I was mostly involved with developing the flight software to run the on-board electronics. I was part of the development team for the on-board software running all the sensors and electronics on the miniature satellite.